
Michael Wentworth-Bell & Nick Acciarito (Espire 1 VR Operative) & the #gamedevsforfireys campaign

Michael and Nick from Melbourne's Digital Lode share the challenges and victories of making VR spy game Espire 1: VR Operative.

January 18, 2020 9:00 AM
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Michael Wentworth-Bell and Nick Acciarito from Melbourne’s Digital Lode joins us to talk about their VR game Espire 1: VR Operative. It’s a virtual reality single-player game that combines stealth and elements of Metal Gear Solid. Michael and Nick speak about the challenges they faced when combating motion sickness and what it feels like when the game is well received on on platform and slammed on another.

#GameDevsForFireys is an online auction led by Defiant Development’s Morgan Jaffit to raise money for Australian bushfire efforts to support those who battle the harsh blazes across the country. We’ll also be discussing the controversy around it as Marijam Didžgalvytė released a video criticising the efforts saying that it was just "self-serving," which received a fair bit of criticism she was forced to respond to on Twitter.

Pixel Sift is produced by Mitch Loh, Scott Quigg, Sarah Ireland, Fiona Bartholomaeus, Daniel Ang & Adam Christou. Gianni Di Giovanni is our Executive Producer. Thanks to Salty Dog Sounds for some of our promo music.

SPONSOR: Thank you to Murdoch University School of Arts for their support over every single episode of Pixel Sift. We couldn't have done it without you. If you want to bolster your skills in media, journalism or game development, check out the Murdoch University School of Arts website for more information!

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