It's the very first episode of Pixel Sift (cough High Score) and we try this whole video game podcast thing on for size!
NOTE: When we recorded this show, we were broadcasting under the name High Score, which turns out is pretty popular gaming podcast name. We are now called PIXEL SIFT.
Scott talks about old school Zelda, and tuning a NES to a new TV. There is a use for analog again!
Mitch runs us through a bit of Destiny’s year two content, The Taken King, and the Angry Birds Movie, and good video game movie adapations. Are there any? Who knows.
Gianni chats about eSports and the huge industry it is rapidly becoming, and how you could get a uni scholarship for gaming skills.
Rabee tells us all about a game being developed at Murdoch University, One Hint Hitman and the process of creating sound for such a game.
You can find us on social media, Discord, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, YouTube and Steam. Just search for "pixelsift"