
Swat those flies out of the sky in KILLBUG an endless insect arena shooter

Check out the first trailer for this nineties inspired shooter from Melbourne's Samurai Punk

April 13, 2023 9:00 AM

Melbourne's Samurai Punk have announced their next game an insect murderfest called KILLBUG inspired by the fast paced arena shooters of the nineties.

You're an mantis out for revenge armed with a knife and a gun blasting redbacks into oblivion and developer Nicholas McDonnell said the game started as just a simple 3D modelling exercise.

"So I initially started working on KILLBUG as just a little side project to practice 3d Modelling. I wanted to prove to myself that I could build a prototype from scratch and give it a cohesive visual style. So I just said, I'm gonna make a little arena shooter with a super limited scope and pop it out itch," said McDonnell

"It ended up being a deep dive into minimalist FPS mechanics where I drew on my experience working on Screencheat and various immersive sim jam games."

"I did have a phase were I was really into devil daggers so that obviously shows in the way the game is formatted."

Players will compete for the best scores in the online leaderboards with built in accessibility settings to tailor gameplay to your liking.

The game arrives on PC with Steam Deck support on the 4th of May.

Check out the trailer below, and look forward to review from SIFTER soon.

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Samurai Punk, Nicholas McDonnell
Samurai Punk
Release Date:
May 4, 2023

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