
Clinton McCleary (Infliction) & the Australian Senate loot box inquiry

Clinton McCleary's first game Infliction isn't for the faint of heart, but it's definitely a powerful piece of horror storytelling.

December 1, 2018 9:00 AM
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Clinton McCleary wasn't working in games before he started Caustic Reality and his debut game Infliction. In fact it was a redundancy at work that prompted him to start working on his game over 3 years, which lead to award nominations, PAX Australia indie showcase selection and a story that really resonates with people. Infliction is a first person horror narrative exploration game that draws on Clinton's own life experiences to make something both terrifying and deeply relatable. Infliction is available now on Steam.

An Australian Senate standing committee which carried out an inquiry into loot boxes, has just handed down it's report into "Gaming micro-transactions for chance-based items". It looks like loot boxes might soon need stricter guidelines if they are to be allowed in video games in Australia, but the story isn't over yet. There are a bunch of recommendations and information in the report which you can read in full here, but let us break it all down for you so you can spend less time reading a 90 page document and more time grinding for those inevitable sprays and icons, urgh.

Pixel Sift is produced by Scott Quigg, Sarah Ireland, Fiona Bartholomaeus & Mitch Loh. Gianni Di Giovanni is our Executive Producer. Thanks to Salty Dog Sounds for some of our promo music this week.

SPONSOR:Thank you to Murdoch University School of Arts for their support over every single episode of Pixel Sift. We couldn't have done it without you. If you want to bolster your skills in media, journalism or game development, check out the Murdoch University School of Arts website for more information!

You can find us on social media Discord, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, YouTube and Steam. Just search for "pixelsift"

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